Perséinlech Ënnerstëtzung

Ressourcen fir Perséinlech Ënnerstëtzung

A peer or staff member in a "First Year Experience" t-shirt is assisting a student in a computer lab setting. The image conveys the Accessibility Services' commitment to offering personalized support to help students navigate technology and resources.

Accessibilitéitsservicer bitt Zougang, Ënnerkunft a Servicer fir Studenten mat IEPs, 504 Pläng oder aner dokumentéiert Bedierfnesser.

This image captures a moment at the Hudson Helps Resource Center, where a speaker is addressing attendees during an event. The backdrop showcases the Resource Center’s branding, emphasizing its role in providing essential support services for the college community.

Den Hudson Helps Resource Center bitt holistesch Studenteunterstëtzung andeems se d'Basisbedierfnesser vun de Studenten adresséieren an se mat Ressourcen verbannen.

Three individuals, including college administrators and staff, are pictured holding a proclamation document. The photo underscores HCCC's dedication to mental health awareness and wellness initiatives, reflecting the college’s commitment to community support and recognition of important social causes.

HCCC ass houfreg e Stigma-Free Campus ze sinn. Kritt déi Ënnerstëtzung déi Dir braucht vun eisem Virsuerg Team.